Tuesday, January 8, 2013

They prefer print: E-books yet to rack up big sales at college bookstores. From @jconline

The start of the Purdue University spring semester brings with it the ringing and beeps from cash registers tallying up a major expense for students — textbooks.

Though some students could slash their bills — possibly in half — if they opted for e-books, which are basically downloadable texts viewable on a computer or handheld device, the majority still chose the traditional paper tome.

Chemistry major Megan Moore said Tuesday while shopping at University Bookstore in West Lafayette that even in this digital age, she likes using highlighter pens, bending pages and writing notes in heavy, hardcover texts. Moore bought a digital text last semester and is certain it was also her last.

“I like to be able to flip through it,” she said. “And I want to keep the book. For some of these classes, especially if it’s your major, you are going to want the books so you can go back and check something. You might need it next year. It costs more but it’s worth it.”

Read on here.....http://wtr.mn/WwQdvZ

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