Friday, March 16, 2012

Tuesday, 08 May 2012 - Day of Books @drupa

The role of books within the media mix - new business models and business strategies.

Uhrzeit Inhalt Redner
    Dr. Thomas Wilking,
buchreport / Harenberg Kommunikation Verlags- und Medien GmbH & Co. KG
10:15 Keynote : E-Phobia to E-Phoria – New publishing strategies and business models for new markets and new media
E-books are being discussed everywhere in publishing but what lessons can we learn from the past in order to ensure a profitable as well as an interesting future?
Richard Charkin,
Bloomsbury Publishing, UK
10:45 „Has the future already started?“ How important are tablet apps and other mobile book formats to publishers
Amazon USA verkauft mehr eBooks als gedruckte Bücher. Buchverlage im 4-Colour-Bereich sind aber auch dort beim investieren in eBooks zögerlich. Sind Apps besser? Was erwarten Kunden von eBooks? Abwarten und die "Anderen" voranstürmen lassen? Hat Michael Krüger Recht, "kein Stein bleibt auf dem anderen"? Fängt es erst an oder sind wir mitten drin?
Frank-H. Häger,
Ganske Verlagsgruppe
11:.15 Innovation and workflow in the world of apps, (enhanced) eBooks and co.: How a digital first-programme changes publishing
Traditional publishers have been launching a wide range of new digital products onto the market and discovering that this changes more than the product portfolio: different partner businesses, new workflows, changes to sales channels and new target groups – not to mention a wholly new legal situation and the challenges of internationalisation.
Oliver Pux,
Bastei Lübbe GmbH & Co. KG
11:45 Pause  
12:00 Publisher between print and Cloud
The digital world has altered customers’ information expectations. Publishers are suddenly competing with providers with other specialisms and with free services. What can publishers realistically and profitably offer, now and in the future? At stake is the basis of their existence.
Dr. Dorothea Hennessen,
12:30 The symbiosis of content and media formats: Prerequisites for success and market opportunities for science and specialised publishers
In this age of digital media, the boundaries between print and online, and between book content and magazine format are disappearing. The two speakers here illustrate how this change is already being reflected in the services and production processes at progressive specialist publishing houses.
Dr. Ralf Birkelbach,
Springer Science + Business Media
13:00 Social reading – reader communities and their potential for publishers (working title) Karla Paul, (Holtzbrinck GmbH)
13:30 Pause  

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